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IIJmio Coupon Switch

4.0 ( 5520 ratings )
Utvecklare: Internet Initiative Japan, Inc.

From October 1st 2024, this service will be discontinued.
Please use the "My IIJmio" app. Please check for details.

IIJmio Coupon Switch (mioPON) can change your data rate at the high / low speed.

When you have the max data volume that you can send and receive at the max speed named coupon on the IIJmio High-speed Mobile/D Service contract, you can control your data rate at the high or low speed with this application.

In your home menu, "mioPON" is displayed as the app name instead of "IIJmio Coupon Switch".

On/Off switching operation
1. Start mioPON from your home menu.
2. Login with your mioID and password.
3. Select a telephone number whose data rate you would like to control.
4. Tap "apply" button.

* Note: Please wait about 1 minute if you switch on and off continually.

Other functions
- Touch on "hdd" to display the coupon volume.

- Touch on the phone number of the SIM card to display the data volume of the usage.
-- The data volume of usage is updated every few hours. It is not the latest data volume of the usage. Please use it as an aim.
-- If three days total data volume of usage at the low speed data rate is over 366MB, the data rate is limited. The notification of OFF時 通信規制中 is appeared below the data volume of the usage.

- Touch and hold the phone number of the SIM card to display the memo field.

This application does not show the coupon volume which distributed to each SIM card.
And also the value of total coupon volume is not including these coupon volume.

About @iijmio
This is the official Twitter account of IIJmio. We tweet the useful information about IIJmio service in Japanese.

Software License Agreement

To use this application, you need to agree with the following Software License Agreement.